Brief Description: Baggage Door Assembly & Lift Strut - Part 02
Some browsing in the McMaster-Carr on-line catalog turned up what turn out to be the absolute *perfect* part for the job. The strut unit is made for tool box lids and has pre-installed mounts on each end that work perfectly on the RV-8 baggage door with no modifications whatsoever. Incredible, really. The best part is that in operation, the strut will securely hold the door open AND closed! Its amazing actually! At about 2" from closed the geometry of the system has nearly zero pressure open/closed and then at the last 1" or so, slightly pulls the door down. Note that the latch pins are still needed to hold the door securely closed. Conversely, after about 3" open, there is enough push in the spring to gently open the door all the way and then hold it open very nicely. If you have an RV-8 and want a baggage door strut, look no further. This is the just ticket:
At $53.00 (circa 2014) its a little pricey, but its stainless steel, a spring - not hydraulic, and did I mention - works PERFECTLY on the RV-8 front baggage door! Buy one now!